Analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data using the R package Seurat

Martin Calvino
9 min readAug 10, 2023


Image created by Martin Calvino

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a relatively new methodology that allows for sequencing the transcriptome of single cells for thousands of cells in parallel. This methodology has facilitated the discovery of rare cell populations as well as the study of cell identity under different developmental stages and conditions. The steps involved in scRNA-seq briefly consists of single-cell isolation and capture, cell lysis, reverse transcription (converting RNA into cDNA), cDNA amplification, library preparation, sequencing, and computational analysis of sequencing data. The advent of scRNA-seq research has generated an abundance of open datasets deposited in public repositories, with single-cell atlases’ projects providing datasets from several organs and tissues from the same organism, greatly facilitating the study of gene function at single-cell resolution.

Here I focused my attention on the publicly available scRNA-seq datasets derived from (1) the Fly Cell Atlas (FCA) Consortium, which involved the sequencing of 570,000 cells from 15 dissected tissues as well as whole heads and bodies, from both female and males flies (Drosophila melanogaster); and (2) 15,225 cell transcriptomes derived from the stem-cell compartment and early follicles of Drosophilas’ ovaries generated by researchers at the Grossman School of Medicine at New York University. Both datasets were generated using the droplet-based 10x Genomics technology platform.

I used the R package Seurat to analyze scRNA-seq data derived from testis (Fly Cell Atlas dataset) and ovaries from adult flies.

My concrete purpose was to identify cell-type-testis/ovary-specific expression profiles for four members of the NXF gene family; a family of nuclear RNA export factors that have undergone functional diversification in Drosophila melanogaster. While Nxf1 is involved in nucleocytoplasmic mRNA export, Nxf2 and Nxf3 were co-opted for piRNA-guided transcriptional silencing of transposable elements (TEs). The role of Nxf4 remains to be elucidated. Previous studies had indicated that while Nxf1 is ubiquitously expressed, Nxf2 and Nxf3 are expressed predominantly in gonads (testis and ovary), whereas Nxf4 displays testis-specific expression only. By analyzing these datasets, I was able to pinpoint the cell types of the testis and ovary in which the NXF members were expressed, and compare it with the expression profiles of piRNA-pathway genes.



# connect to loom file
my.loom.file = file.choose()
my.loom.file # "/Users/martincalvinotorterolo/Desktop/myR_scripts/data/r_fca_biohub_testis_10x.loom"
testis.loom <- Connect(filename = my.loom.file, mode = "r+")

# interact with loom object and view matrix dataset

# Access the upper left corner of the data matrix
testis.loom[["matrix"]][1:15, 1:15]

# list the attributes of testis.loom object
attributes(testis.loom) # "loom" "scdisk" "H5File" "H5RefClass" "R6"
class(testis.loom) # "loom" "scdisk" "H5File" "H5RefClass" "R6"

# now convert H5AD file to Seurat (since .loom to Seurat does not work)
my.h5ad.file = file.choose()
my.h5ad.file # "/Users/martincalvinotorterolo/Desktop/myR_scripts/data/r_fca_biohub_testis_10x.h5ad"
Convert(my.h5ad.file, dest = "h5seurat", overwrite = TRUE)
seurat_testis <- LoadH5Seurat("/Users/martincalvinotorterolo/Desktop/myR_scripts/data/r_fca_biohub_testis_10x.h5seurat")
seurat_testis # seurat object from h5ad file contains only 2141 features as opposed to 15,833 features in the loom file

seurat_testis@misc$ID_categories #suerat_testis@misc is where the relevant info is

# reconstruct seurat object from loom and h5ad files
fca_testis_mat <- testis.loom[["/matrix"]][,]
fca_testis_mat <- Matrix::Matrix(fca_testis_mat, sparse = TRUE)
fca_testis_mat <- Matrix::t(fca_testis_mat)
fca_testis_mat # now I have genes as rows and cells as columns

# now extract the cell id and gene id and set them as the column and row names of the matrix
fca_testis_cellid <- testis.loom[["/col_attrs/CellID"]][]
fca_testis_cellid # example > "AAACCCACATTACTCT-6e669170__FCA59_Male_testis_adult_1dWT_Fuller_sample1"
fca_testis_geneid <- testis.loom[["row_attrs/Gene"]][]
fca_testis_geneid # example > "Atg1"

colnames(fca_testis_mat) <- fca_testis_cellid
rownames(fca_testis_mat) <- fca_testis_geneid

# Pull three bits of metadata from the column attributes
attrs <- c("CellID", "ClusterID", "n_counts", "n_genes", "percent_mito", "annotation", "annotation_broad", "sex")
attrs.df <- map_dfc(attrs, ~ testis.loom[[paste0("col_attrs/", .)]][]) %>%
colnames(attrs.df) <- attrs
rownames(attrs.df) <- fca_testis_cellid

# build seurat object
fca_testis_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = fca_testis_mat, = attrs.df)
head(fca_testis_seurat, n=25)

fca_testis_h5 <- LoadH5Seurat("/Users/martincalvinotorterolo/Desktop/myR_scripts/data/r_fca_biohub_testis_10x.h5seurat")
fca_testis_seurat@reductions <- fca_testis_h5@reductions
rownames(fca_testis_seurat@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings) <- fca_testis_cellid
rownames(fca_testis_seurat@reductions$tsne@cell.embeddings) <- fca_testis_cellid
rownames(fca_testis_seurat@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings) <- fca_testis_cellid


# Visualize UMAP with clusters assigned to cell types and expression of NXF family members
DimPlot(fca_testis_seurat, reduction = "umap", = 'annotation', label = T, label.size = 2.5) + NoLegend()
FeaturePlot(fca_testis_seurat, reduction = 'umap', features = c("sbr", "nxf2", "Nxf3", "nxf4"))

# Visualize percentage of cells in each cell types expressing NXF family members
DotPlot(fca_testis_seurat, features = c("sbr", "nxf2", "Nxf3", "nxf4", "mael",
"piwi", "del", "BoYb", "shu", "zuc", "aub", "tej", "krimp", "vls", "Nbr", "csul",
"cuff", "qin", "egg", "vret", "Nxt1", "arx", "Hen1", "Panx", "mino", "spn-E",
"AGO3", "rhi", "Gasz", "Su(var)3-3", "wde", "SoYb", "armi"), = 'annotation') + RotatedAxis()

NXF.testis <- DotPlot(fca_testis_seurat, features = c("sbr", "nxf2", "Nxf3", "nxf4", "mael","piwi", "del",
"BoYb", "shu", "zuc", "aub", "tej", "krimp", "vls",
"Nbr", "csul", "cuff", "qin", "egg", "vret", "Nxt1",
"arx", "Hen1", "Panx", "mino", "spn-E", "AGO3", "rhi",
"Gasz", "Su(var)3-3", "wde", "SoYb", "armi"), = 'annotation') + RotatedAxis()

Average_Expression_Scaled <- NXF.testis$data$avg.exp.scaled
Percent_Expressed <- NXF.testis$data$pct.exp

id <- factor(NXF.testis$data$id, order = TRUE, levels = c(
"mid-late proliferating spermatogonia",
"spermatogonium-spermatocyte transition",
"spermatocyte 0",
"spermatocyte 1",
"spermatocyte 2",
"spermatocyte 3",
"spermatocyte 4",
"spermatocyte 5",
"spermatocyte 6",
"spermatocyte 7",
"spermatocyte 7a",
"late primary spermatocyte",
"early elongation stage spermatid",
"early-mid elongation-stage spermatid",
"mid-late elongation-stage spermatid",
"cyst stem cell",
"early cyst cell 1",
"early cyst cell 2",
"spermatocyte cyst cell branch A",
"spermatocyte cyst cell branch B",
"cyst cell branch b"

ggplot(data = NXF.testis$data, aes(x = factor(NXF.testis$data$id, order = TRUE, levels = c(
"mid-late proliferating spermatogonia",
"spermatogonium-spermatocyte transition",
"spermatocyte 0",
"spermatocyte 1",
"spermatocyte 2",
"spermatocyte 3",
"spermatocyte 4",
"spermatocyte 5",
"spermatocyte 6",
"spermatocyte 7",
"spermatocyte 7a",
"late primary spermatocyte",
"early elongation stage spermatid",
"early-mid elongation-stage spermatid",
"mid-late elongation-stage spermatid",
"cyst stem cell",
"early cyst cell 1",
"early cyst cell 2",
"spermatocyte cyst cell branch A",
"spermatocyte cyst cell branch B",
"cyst cell branch b")),
y = NXF.testis$data$features.plot,
size = Percent_Expressed, fill = Average_Expression_Scaled)) +
geom_point(shape = 21, colour = "black") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust =1, vjust = 1)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colors = met.brewer('Derain')) +
labs(x = "", y = "") +

# all genes
markers <- NXF.testis$data$features.plot %>%


mat <- NXF.testis$data %>%
filter(features.plot %in% markers) %>%
select(-avg.exp, -pct.exp) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=id, values_from=avg.exp.scaled) %>%


row.names(mat) <- mat$features.plot

mat <- mat[, -1]

clust <- hclust(dist(mat %>% as.matrix()))

ddgram <- as.dendrogram(clust)
ggtree_plot <- ggtree::ggtree(ddgram)

my.dotPlot <- NXF.testis$data %>%
filter(features.plot %in% markers) %>%
filter(pct.exp > 1) %>%
mutate(features.plot = factor(features.plot, levels=clust$labels[clust$order])) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=factor(id, order=TRUE, levels=c("germinal proliferation center hub",
"mid-late proliferating spermatogonia",
"spermatogonium-spermatocyte transition",
"spermatocyte 0",
"spermatocyte 1",
"spermatocyte 2",
"spermatocyte 3",
"spermatocyte 4",
"spermatocyte 5",
"spermatocyte 6",
"spermatocyte 7",
"spermatocyte 7a",
"maturing primary spermatocyte",
"late primary spermatocyte",
"early elongation stage spermatid",
"early-mid elongation-stage spermatid",
"mid-late elongation-stage spermatid",
"cyst stem cell",
"early cyst cell 1",
"early cyst cell 2",
"spermatocyte cyst cell branch a",
"spermatocyte cyst cell branch b",
"cyst cell branch b",
"cyst cell branch a",
"cyst cell intermediate",
"head cyst cell",
"late cyst cell branch b",
"late cyst cell branch a",
"adult tracheocyte",
"adult neuron",
"adult fat body",
"muscle cell",
"pigment cell",
"secretory cell of the male reproductive tract",
"male gonad associated epithelium",
)), y=features.plot, fill=avg.exp.scaled, size=pct.exp)) +
cowplot::theme_cowplot() +
geom_point(shape=21, colour="black") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=1)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colors=met.brewer('Derain')) + labs(x="", y="") +

plot_grid(ggtree_plot, NULL, my.dotPlot, nrow=1, rel_widths = c(0.25, -0.005, 2), align= 'h')
Figure 1. DotPlot displaying piRNA and NXF gene expression pattern for testis’ cell types. Genes on the y-axis were arranged according to hierarchical clustering based on the similarity of their expression profiles. High gene expression was indicated in blue color. The area of each circle indicated the percentage of cells (belonging to the same cell type) expressing a given gene.

As depicted in Figure 1, my results showed that nxf4 was specifically expressed in late primary spermatocyte whereas nxf1 (also known as sbr), nxf2 and nxf3 were expressed primarily in spermatocytes.


?load() # reload saved datasets
# Slaidina Seurat Object as 'sso'

sso <- load("/Users/martincalvinotorterolo/Downloads/GSE162192_Seurat_objects")
GC_clusters # 14,729 features / genes across 1,051 samples / cells within 2 essays
FC_clusters # 14,729 features / genes across 13,451 samples / cells within 2 essays
germarium_clusters # 14,729 features / genes across 636 samples within 2 essays

my.gene.markers <- c("rna_sbr",

my.gene.markers <- unique(my.gene.markers)

clusters.combined <- merge(GC_clusters, y=c(germarium_clusters, FC_clusters), add.cell.ids=c("germ.Cells", "germarium.Cells", "follicle.Cells"), project="dotPlot.figure")

gc.clusters <- DotPlot(GC_clusters, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()
germa <- DotPlot(germarium_clusters, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()
fc.clusters <- DotPlot(FC_clusters, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()

gc_data <- DotPlot(clusters.combined, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()
id <- factor(gc_data$data$id, order=TRUE, levels=c("GSC/CB/2-cc","4-cc","8-cc","16-cc 2a I","16-cc 2a II","16-cc 2ab","16-cc 2b","16-cc 3","St2","TF/CC","aEC","cEC","pEC","FSC/pre-FC","pre-stalk","stalk","polar","St2-4 I","St2-4 II","PT St4-5","MB St5-6","MB St6","AT St5-6","PT St6","MB St7","MB St8","MB St8-9","MB St9","AT St7","AT St8-9","PT St7","PT St8 I","PT St8 II","PT St9"))

DotPlot(clusters.combined, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()
DotPlot(GC_clusters, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()
DotPlot(germarium_clusters, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()
DotPlot(FC_clusters, features=my.gene.markers) + RotatedAxis()

ggplot(data=gc.clusters$data, aes(x=id, y=gc.clusters$data$features.plot, size=gc.clusters$data$pct.exp, fill=gc.clusters$data$avg.exp.scaled)) +
geom_point(shape=21, color="black") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=1))

ggplot(data=germa$data, aes(x=id, y=germa$data$features.plot, size=germa$data$pct.exp, fill=germa$data$avg.exp.scaled)) +
geom_point(shape=21, color="black") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=1))

ggplot(data=fc.clusters$data, aes(x=id, y=fc.clusters$data$features.plot, size=fc.clusters$data$pct.exp, fill=fc.clusters$data$avg.exp.scaled)) +
geom_point(shape=21, color="black") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=1))

Average_Expression_Scaled <- gc_data$data$avg.exp.scaled
Percent_Expressed <- gc_data$data$pct.exp

ggplot(data=gc_data$data, aes(x=factor(gc_data$data$id, order=TRUE, levels=c("GSC/CB/2-cc","4-cc","8-cc","16-cc 2a I","16-cc 2a II","16-cc 2ab","16-cc 2b","16-cc 3","St2","TF/CC","aEC","cEC","pEC","FSC/pre-FC","pre-stalk","stalk","polar","St2-4 I","St2-4 II","PT St4-5","MB St5-6","MB St6","AT St5-6","PT St6","MB St7","MB St8","MB St8-9","MB St9","AT St7","AT St8-9","PT St7","PT St8 I","PT St8 II","PT St9")), y=gc_data$data$features.plot, size=Percent_Expressed, fill=Average_Expression_Scaled)) +
geom_point(shape=21, colour="black") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=1)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors=met.brewer('OKeeffe1')) + labs(x="", y="") + scale_size_area()

# cluster all gene markers on the y-axis that are shown on Figure 90A and 90B

markers <- gc_data$data$features.plot %>% unique()

mat <- gc_data$data %>%
filter(features.plot %in% markers) %>%
select(-avg.exp, -pct.exp) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=id, values_from=avg.exp.scaled) %>%


row.names(mat) <- mat$features.plot

mat <- mat[, -1]

clust <- hclust(dist(mat %>% as.matrix()))
plot(clust) # plot dendrogram with clustered gene markers

ddgram <- as.dendrogram(clust)
ggtree_plot <- ggtree::ggtree(ddgram)

my.dotPlot <- gc_data$data %>%
filter(features.plot %in% markers) %>%
filter(pct.exp > 1) %>%
mutate(features.plot = factor(features.plot, levels=clust$labels[clust$order])) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=factor(id, order=TRUE, levels=c("GSC/CB/2-cc","4-cc","8-cc","16-cc 2a I","16-cc 2a II","16-cc 2ab","16-cc 2b","16-cc 3","St2","TF/CC","aEC","cEC","pEC","FSC/pre-FC","pre-stalk","stalk","polar","St2-4 I","St2-4 II","PT St4-5","MB St5-6","MB St6","AT St5-6","PT St6","MB St7","MB St8","MB St8-9","MB St9","AT St7","AT St8-9","PT St7","PT St8 I","PT St8 II","PT St9")), y=features.plot, fill=avg.exp.scaled, size=pct.exp)) +
geom_point(shape=21, colour="black") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=1)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors=met.brewer('OKeeffe1')) + labs(x="", y="") + scale_size_area()

plot_grid(ggtree_plot, NULL, my.dotPlot, nrow=1, rel_widths = c(0.25, -0.005, 2), align= 'h')
Figure 2. DotPlot displaying piRNA, NXF and gene marker expression pattern for ovaries’ cell types. Genes on the y-axis were arranged according to hierarchical clustering based on the similarity of their expression profiles. High gene expression was indicated in blue color. The area of each circle indicated the percentage of cells (belonging to the same cell type) expressing a given gene.

As depicted in Figure 2, my results showed that nxf4 was not expressed in any cell type of the ovary; nxf1 (also known as sbr) and nxf2 were primarily expressed in somatic cells of the germarium, and nxf3 was expressed in germ cells of the germarium, respectively.



Martin Calvino is a Visiting Professor in Data Science at Torcuato Di Tella University; he worked as Computational Biologist at The Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey — Rutgers University; and is also a Multimedia Artist. You can follow him on Instagram:




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