Mapping Geospatial Data in R: percentage of denied home loans per county
Banks located in southern and northeastern counties denied home loan applications from latinos at higher percentages.
Suppose a non-profit organization focusing on social justice issues for the Latinx population commissions you the analysis of data to assess home ownership rates for latinos on a nationwide scale. Because opportunities in home ownership are considered central to an equitable society, most studies have focused on the rate of home ownership for different ethnic and racial groups. However, this approach suffers from the limitation that it does not measure the proportion of people that applied to home loans but weren’t able to get one. Thus, analyzing the proportion of denied home loans for latinos and comparing it to non-latino applicants is a more comprehensive approach to assess the equality/inequality in the home mortgage industry.
In this work, I describe the analysis of 19,182,225 home loan applications to 4,333 financial institutions across the country during 2021 (the most recent data publicly available), and show how I mapped the percentage of denied loans to counties in order to visualize geographic patterns of denials for latinos.
I obtained the dataset on home mortgages from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) portal that is associated with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) website. I used the package sf for working with geodata, and ggplot2 for visualization. The sf package depends on the library GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) and needed to be installed prior to sf. To load geographic boundaries in R, I used the package rnaturalearth. The approach I took consisted on four sections:
Section A > home loan data wrangling
Section B > load geographic data to display counties
Section C > incorporate home loan data into county geographic data
Section D > visualize home loan data onto the continental map of United States
Overall, my approach centered on obtaining the percentage of denied loans per county for each ethnic group of applicants (latinos vs. non-latinos); while including this data into the shape files containing the necessary information to draw county boundaries. I subsequently color-filled each county with the percentage of denied home loans in order to create choropleth maps.
# load libraries
# this file consist of code following this logic:
# SECTION A > home loan data wrangling
# SECTION B > load geographic data to display counties
# SECTION C > incorporate home loan data into county geography data
# SECTION D > visualize home loan data on map of the US (partitioned by county)
# SECTION A > home loan data wrangling
# load dataset
# all banks nationwide 2021 as 'aban21'
aban21 <- read.csv(file.choose()) #19,182,225 observations x 99 variables
# inspect variable names
# select variables of interest (voi)
county <- aban21$county_code
ethnicity <- aban21$derived_ethnicity
action <- aban21$action_taken
# create new data frame
aban21.voi <- data.frame(county, ethnicity, action)
# identify and remove missing values
sum( # 211,955 missing values
aban21.voi <- na.omit(aban21.voi) # 18,970,270 observations x 3 variables
head(aban21.voi, n = 25)
# recode ethnicity
aban21.voi$ethnicity[aban21.voi$ethnicity == "Hispanic or Latino"] <- "Latino"
aban21.voi$ethnicity[aban21.voi$ethnicity == "Not Hispanic or Latino"] <- "Not.Latino"
# arrange observations by county
aban21.voi <- arrange(aban21.voi, county)
head(aban21.voi, n = 25)
# is there home loan data for how many counties?
COunties <- factor(aban21.voi$county)
length(levels(COunties)) # 3,222 counties
# partition aban21.voi into 2 data frames based on ethnicity
# each data frame will lead to two maps
# latino data frame
latino.df <- filter(aban21.voi, ethnicity == "Latino") # 2,298,965 observations
# data frame <- filter(aban21.voi, ethnicity == "Not.Latino") # 16,671,305 observations
# count loans per county for latinos' applicants <- latino.df %>%
group_by(county) %>%
View( # financial institutions in 3,086 counties processed loan applications from latinos
# count loans per county for not.latinos' applicants
not.latinos.per.county <- %>%
group_by(county) %>%
View(not.latinos.per.county) # financial institutions in 3,203 counties processed loan applications from not.latinos
# NOW... select denied applications for both latinos and not.latinos and count how many applications there are per county
latinos.denied <- filter(latino.df, action == 3 | action == 7)
not.latinos.denied <- filter(, action == 3 | action == 7)
# count denied loans per county for latinos' applicants <- latinos.denied %>%
group_by(county) %>%
# count denied loans per county for not.latinos' applicants
denied.not.latinos.per.county <- not.latinos.denied %>%
group_by(county) %>%
# implement join operation to combine with <- %>%
left_join(, by = "county")
# rename variables
names([2] <- ""
names([3] <- ""
# calculate percentage of loans that were denied for each county <- mutate(, pct.denied = (*100)/
# implement join operation to combine not.latinos.per.county with denied.not.latinos.per.county
j2.not.latinos.per.county <- not.latinos.per.county %>%
left_join(denied.not.latinos.per.county, by = "county")
# rename variables
names(j2.not.latinos.per.county)[2] <- ""
names(j2.not.latinos.per.county)[3] <- ""
# calculate percentage of loans that were denied for each county
j2.not.latinos.per.county <- mutate(j2.not.latinos.per.county, pct.denied = (*100)/
# SECTION B > load geographic data to display counties
# load the grographical data
# locate ne_10m_admin_2_counties.shp loaded from Natural Earth:
counties.file <- file.choose()
counties.file # "/home/calviot/Desktop/ne_10m_admin_2_counties.shp"
# read file with read_sf
counties <- read_sf(counties.file)
print(counties, n=0)
# get CRS details of counties
# EPSG codes of different coordinate systems can be retrieved from
# You use the EPSG code to specify the CRS to use in the coord_sf() function.
# counties = st_set_crs(counties, "EPSG:4326) # set CRS
# reorder rows based on county codes
counties <- arrange(counties, CODE_LOCAL) # county codes start with 0 in CODE_LOCAL
# SECTION C > incorporate home loan data into county geography data
# add leading 0s to county codes in home loan datasets and rename the variable CODE_LOCAL so I can perform left_join() operation
j2.not.latinos.per.county$county[1:316] <- paste0("0", j2.not.latinos.per.county$county) # add leading 0 only until row 316
names(j2.not.latinos.per.county)[1] <- "CODE_LOCAL"
names(j2.not.latinos.per.county)[4] <- "pct.denied.NOT.latinos"
# keep only COUNTY_CODE and pct.denied.NOT.latinos variables
j2 <- j2.not.latinos.per.county[, -c(2,3)]
View(j2) # great!$county[1:256] <- paste0("0",$county) # add leading 0 only until row 256
names([1] <- "CODE_LOCAL"
names([4] <- "pct.denied.latinos"
# keep only COUNTY_CODE and pct.denied.latinos variables
j1 <-[, -c(2,3)]
View(j1) # great!
# join j2 with j1
j21 <- j2 %>%
left_join(j1, by = "CODE_LOCAL")
View(j21) # super great!
# add a column with percentage difference in denials between not.latinos and latinos
j21 <- mutate(j21, pct.diff = pct.denied.latinos - pct.denied.NOT.latinos)
View(j21) # super duper
summary(j21[, 2:4])
# incorporate loan data into county geography data
counties.loanData.WF <- counties %>%
left_join(j21, by = "CODE_LOCAL")
# SECTION D > visualize home loan data on map of the US (partitioned by county)
# not.latinos loan applicants
counties.loanData.WF <- mutate(counties.loanData.WF, pct.diff_category = cut(pct.denied.NOT.latinos, breaks = c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 100)))
map <- ggplot(counties.loanData.WF, aes(fill = pct.diff_category)) +
geom_sf(color = "white", size = 0.1) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Blues", name = "pct.diff per county",
labels = c("1-5", "6-10", "11-15", "16-20", "21-25", "26% or more")) +
map %+%
filter(counties.loanData.WF, REGION != "AK", REGION != "HI")
# latino loan applicants
counties.loanData.WF <- mutate(counties.loanData.WF, pct.diff_category = cut(pct.denied.latinos, breaks = c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 100)))
map <- ggplot(counties.loanData.WF, aes(fill = pct.diff_category)) +
geom_sf(color = "white", size = 0.1) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Blues", name = "pct.diff per county",
labels = c("1-5", "6-10", "11-15", "16-20", "21-25", "26% or more")) +
map %+%
filter(counties.loanData.WF, REGION != "AK", REGION != "HI")
The maps containing the percentage of denied loans per county are shown on Figure 1. Clear geographic patterns emerged from visualizing denied loans for both ethnic groups. For latino applicants (Figure 1A), southern and northeastern counties displayed the highest percentage of denied loans, especially in counties from New Mexico and Texas. For non-latino applicants, counties in southern and southeastern states displayed the highest percentage of denied loans (Figure 1B); however the geographic pattern of denials across the northeast was not observed for this ethnic group. Nationwide, the median percentage of denied home loans for latinos was 18.5% whereas for non-latino applicants it was 13.6% (Figure 2).
In this work I have shown geographic patterns of denied home loans for latino applicants and how it differed from non-latinos. Nationwide, latinos were denied home loans at higher proportions relative to non-latinos, possibly signaling to inequalities in the home mortgage industry. Although my work focused on all financial institutions that processed home loan applications during 2021, my approach can be adapted to visualize denial percentages for any particular bank of interest.
Martin Calvino is a Visiting Professor at Torcuato Di Tella University; a Computational Biologist at The Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey — Rutgers University; and a Multimedia Artist. You can follow him on Instagram:
THE CODE FROM THIS WORK as well as the datasets can be accessed from my GitHub page at: